Herman Cain returns to Purdue
Last week was a bit hectic for me, but in the middle of it I had the opportunity to photograph Purdue alumnus, Herman Cain. Most people know Cain for his presidential campaign during the 2012 election, and for his "9-9-9" economic plan which was a focus of his platform. I was able to get some personal time with him, and the opportunity to take his portrait before he gave his lecture.
One detail that stood out to me after he commented on a colleague's Purdue lapel pin, was that his pin included the New Hampshire state flag. Being from the state, I had to speak up and ask why. Like many people, he said it was because of our state motto, "Live Free or Die."
I throughly enjoyed the chance to meet Mr. Cain, and during his speech he gave one piece of advice that his former grade school teacher once gave him that will definitely stay with me for a long time to come. He said...
"You can be whatever you want to be, but you may have to work a little harder and a little longer."